120-Item Bucket List


  1. Attend a writers’ conference💲💲
  2. Attend a writers’ retreat with friends 💲💲
  3. Attend an Alma Deutscher concert 💲💲
  4. Attend the Messiah in concert 💲💲
  5. Go back to Gananoque💲
  6. Go fishing ⏰
  7. Go to Malone💲
  8. Go to the beach + read ⏰
  9. Go to the theatre 💲
  10. Go to the zoo💲
  11. Live in England for a year💲🙆🏻‍♀️
  12. Take a cross-Canada trip; visit museums, war memorials, historic sites, etc💲💲💲
  13. Take a cruise💲💲💲
  14. Take the plane💲💲
  15. Take the train💲
  16. Vacation on an island for a week💲💲
  17. Visit a castle💲💲
  18. Visit a war memorial💲
  19. Visit England’s tourist spots 💲💲
  20. Visit Fort Edmonton fully 💲
  21. Visit France (Normandy, Paris, & Brittany)💲💲
  22. Visit Ireland💲💲
  23. Visit Scotland💲💲
  24. Visit the Titanic museum(s)💲💲


  1. Autograph a book for someone 👩🏻‍💻
  2. Be someone’s bridesmaid 👩🏻‍💻🙆🏻‍♀️
  3. Have a girls’ date with friend(s) 👩🏻‍💻
  4. Have a golden birthday party with my friends 👩🏻‍💻
  5. Meet authors & friends in person 👩🏻‍💻💲🙆🏻‍♀️
  6. Meet the Waleses👩🏻‍💻🙆🏻‍♀️
  7. See the fireworks competition in Montréal 💲⏰
  8. See the Milky Way💲🙆🏻‍♀️
  9. See the Northern Lights💲🙆🏻‍♀️
  10. Set up a home🙆🏻‍♀️💲
  11. Sing in a choir🙆🏻‍♀️💲
  12. Sing in the Messiah (I Know That My Redeemer Liveth) ⏰🙆🏻‍♀️
  13. Spend a week at some friends’👩🏻‍💻


  1. Collect all the Martine books💲
  2. Cook new recipes from cookbooks, etc ⏰
  3. Decorate my own Christmas tree💲
  4. Dye my hair ⏰ 
  5. Get a ballgown💲
  6. Get a Royal Me painting💲
  7. Get BFF necklaces💲
  8. Get CDs💲
  9. Get KU for a year💲
  10. Handwrite letters & cards ⏰
  11. Hang a string/frame of friends’ pictures ⏰
  12. Have a cat👩🏻‍💻🙆🏻‍♀️
  13. Have a commonplace for a year ⏰
  14. Have a cute room ⏰
  15. Have a full room library 💲
  16. Have a podcast ⏰
  17. Hike somewhere ⏰
  18. Keep a diary for a full year ⏰
  19. Keep a nature journal for a year ⏰
  20. Listen to all of Bach’s cantatas ⏰
  21. Make a fairy garden ⏰
  22. Make mud love bracelets ⏰
  23. Memorize poetry & Scripture (Gray’s Elegy) ⏰
  24. Pray for someone for a month ⏰
  25. Read at the park ⏰
  26. Read the Bible every day for a year ⏰
  27. Ride a horse💲🙆🏻‍♀️
  28. Ride a hot air balloon💲🙆🏻‍♀️
  29. Roadtrip💲
  30. Send flowers randomly to a friend 💲
  31. Send the Princess of Wales a letter ⏰
  32. Study handwriting ⏰
  33. Study history & have a BOC ⏰
  34. Volunteer at the library ⏰
  35. Write a dear 26 letter ⏰
  36. Write a letter to a vet ⏰
  37. Write a nonfiction account of Grandpa & Uncle Brian ⏰
  38. Write all my ideas & publish them ⏰


  1. Become a lady ⏰
  2. Become a LibriVox reader ⏰
  3. Build a wardrobe💲
  4. Do scrapbooking ⏰
  5. Get a B.A. 💲🙆🏻‍♀️
  6. Get a job🙆🏻‍♀️
  7. Learn ASL fluently ⏰
  8. Learn ballet ⏰
  9. Learn chess ⏰
  10. Learn embroidery ⏰
  11. Learn first aid ⏰🙆🏻‍♀️💲
  12. Learn floristry ⏰🙆🏻‍♀️💲
  13. Learn formatting ⏰💲
  14. Learn French grammar ⏰
  15. Learn Gaelic ⏰
  16. Learn graphic design ⏰💲
  17. Learn Latin ⏰
  18. Learn makeup ⏰
  19. Learn origami ⏰
  20. Learn photography ⏰💲
  21. Learn piano ⏰
  22. Learn QC folk songs ⏰
  23. Learn social confidence, skills, & etiquette ⏰
  24. Learn Swedish ⏰
  25. Learn to crochet ⏰
  26. Learn to draw & paint ⏰
  27. Learn to drive ⏰
  28. Learn to folk dance ⏰
  29. Learn to garden ⏰
  30. Learn to juggle ⏰
  31. Learn to knit ⏰
  32. Learn to read music ⏰
  33. Learn to row ⏰👩🏻‍💻
  34. Learn to sew ⏰
  35. Learn to sing ⏰💲
  36. Learn to solve a Rubik’s cube ⏰
  37. Learn to style my hair ⏰
  38. Learn to swim ⏰👩🏻‍💻
  39. Learn to type ⏰
  40. Learn to write poetry ⏰
  41. Lose 50 pounds ⏰🙆🏻‍♀️
  42. Make pottery ⏰💲
  43. Read my TBR ⏰🙆🏻‍♀️
  44. Record a CD ⏰💲
  45. Walk 365 miles in a year ⏰
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