Interview with #MyJay // Meet My WIP Series

SO you may have forgotten by now, since it’s been a while, but I am doing a post a month on my WIP series, which I hope to launch this summer. The series is ongoing up to the launch and has its own tag, so you can stay atop of things. And the first postContinue reading “Interview with #MyJay // Meet My WIP Series”

Meet my WIP Series!! // #MyJay

So, I’ve decided that since I will be releasing these books (Lord willing) somewhat soon, I should raise awareness about them… since I depend solely on readers to spread the word about them. ;D But first off, as a KDWC-er reminded me today, what is my WIP series? The Chronicles of Kalsyia Now, I’m notContinue reading “Meet my WIP Series!! // #MyJay”

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