The Summer Book Tag

(stolen from Emma @ Bookish Daughters of the King <3)

1. What book cover makes you think of summer?

Definitely Little House on the Prairie. Those were my childhood reads… ah, the nostalgia! Anyways, it definitely screams summer to me not just because of the summery cover but because I often read it in the summer. 😉

2. What book has brightened your day?

Jane of Lantern Hill. This book is so sweet and bright and cheerful! So full of sunshine and hope and good humour! So homey and Canadian and Montgomery! Definitely a summery read.

3. Find a book cover with yellow on it.

Redwall is another quintessentially summer book! It’s warm and golden, filled with the dozy buzz of summer afternoons. Brian Jacques is so good at describing seasons and making them come through his books!

4. What is your favourite summer beach read?

Along the Shore: Tales by the Sea by L.M. Montgomery. I’ve never actually read this at the beach but as it’s a seaside anthology, it would be PERFECT. And I love it. A lot. 😉

There’s also The Mystery on Cobbett’s Island by Kathryn Kenny that I specifically reviewed as “the perfect beach/summer read”…

And finally, The Crush by Allyson Kennedy is 100% Southern Summer.

5. What action book had you running for the ice cream man?

Kate’s Dilemma and Kate’s Hope by Sarah Holman—among the other books in the series, but these are summer books, so I mention them particularly. 😉 The action and adventure in these books is EPIC and so awesome!!

6. Sunburn: What book has left you with a bad and/or painful ending?

Don’t let the summery cover fool ya. A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke is mostly a winter book! But that’s not why I dislike it. The ending was really not great and let me down so badly! Especially after how good the beginning was…

7. Sunset: What book gave you the happiest feelings when it ended?

I Don’t Dance by Jesseca Wheaton. It’s been a while since I read this, but I still remember how sweet and precious it is, how funny and wholesome and summery!

And you also have to let me mention Sunset Summer. Because it’s just as beautiful and deep, if not more so. And very summery too. Just so satisfying, both of these are.

8. What book cover reminds you of a sunset?

Well, this may be slightly cheating, because it’s actually a sunset, but… Dandelion Dust by Faith Potts. Which is the most summery, sweet, heartbreaking, encouraging little book. ❤

9. What is one book or series you hope to read this summer? 

Besides the Little House books, I want to read Anne of Avonlea and Chronicles of Avonlea, and maybe more Anne books too. I’m working my way through the series to read Rilla of Ingleside in November 🙂

What books are you reading this summer? What are your favourite summer reads?

Published by Katja H. Labonté

Hi! I’m Katja :) I’m a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. I am a bilingual French-Canadian and have about a dozen topics I'm excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why I write). I spend my days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

6 thoughts on “The Summer Book Tag

  1. Ah I love this tag idea! (Would you be okay if I steal it for my own blog?) I really need to read the Anne of Green Gables books. I have a friend who just got into it and she’s been telling me how amazing they are. And Little House on the Prairie is so nostalgic for me too.

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