My Favourite Fairytale Retellings // A Fairytale Summer Blog Event

Today I am participating in a bookish summer event by Amelia Grace! I’m not much into art or fairytales, but I am hugely into retellings, and just now nonmagical fairytale retellings, so I thought this was a great chance to rave about my favourites. 😉 Buckle up, because I will not be short!

1. Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton

Eliana longs to see the world beyond the mountains that tower above Salzburg, Austria, but knows that dream will never see such adventure-and neither will she.
Surrounded by a world of cruelty, she lives for the weekly visits of Aron, a boy she met on one of her rambles through the countryside.
But as the years pass and she begins to grow older, a new and unwelcome world is opened up to her.
On a fateful night at a party she vowed she’d never attend, she comes face to face with a shocking truth.
As the world around her teeters on the brink of war, Eliana struggles to figure out just where her loyalty lies; a decision that will drastically change the course of her life. Will she ever be free to see what lies beyond the horizon?

It’s been a while since I read this, but it was one of the first retellings I ever read—a WWII Cinderella retelling! I am not gonna tell you how the S.S. fits into the story. 😉 Like I said, I haven’t reread this in years and my review isn’t super helpful so I don’t really know what to say here, but I remember I quite enjoyed it. 😛

Full review here | Rating: 5/10 hearts

2. The Lady of Lanaria by Michaela Bush

A kidnapped princess, a promise, and a kingdom cursed with mysterious plagues. 
“Mark my words, Evangeline; if you set foot outside this tower, you will surely die.”
Evangeline has spent her entire life hidden in an ancient watchtower, gazing through a window as the world passes her by. She heeds her mother’s warning closely, the truth hidden from her always. When a young guard stumbles upon the tower, Evangeline’s life is changed forever. As she strikes up a secret friendship with the guard, she learns about the Kingdom of Lanaria and the mysterious plagues that haunt all who live there. But as she delves into the world she barely knows, not everything her mother says adds up. Will they find the truth before it’s too late? 

I am aware there’s a new cover but I happen to love the old one better, so *coughs* forgive my using it. This is a Rapunzel retelling, mixed with The Lady of Shalott, which I LOVEEEEE. The author did a great job dealing with all the themes and there’s such a cuteee romance… and the setting is fantastic. There’s actually a whole series set in Lanaria, now, which I haven’t read yet but are on my TBR—The Healer of the Brigade (seems to be a follow-up to book 1, and not a retelling??), The Highlander’s Victory (retelling of Deborah the Prophetess’s story from Judges) and The Kingdom’s True Queen (retelling Joseph’s story in Genesis).

Full review here | Rating: 5/10 hearts

3. A Really-Truly Princess by Amanda Kastner

When Rosellen receives a book of fairy tales as a birthday gift, she decides to use its stories as a guide for her own life. From enchanted frogs to lost slippers to hundred-year naps, Rosellen wants to be a really-truly Princess just like the ones she reads about in her book.
Follow Rosellen through five fairy-tale inspired escapades as she discovers that real life problems can’t always be solved in story-book style—even if you are a Princess!

Okay, so this isn’t quite a retelling but I had to slip it in. Now, this story does contain magic, but my family and I loved it so much that I wrote out our own edits to replace those parts. The fairytales are pretty much the same as the originals, but with a few quaint, unique tweaks, and Rosellen’s attempts to recreate them are the funniest thing. It’s just such an adorable book and so well written!

Full review here | Rating: 5/10 hearts

4. Between Stairs & Stardust by Pepper D. Basham

An illustrator in hiding.
A millionaire with a gardening fascination.
And the possibility of a perfect fit for a happily-ever-after.
Once upon a time… A young illustrator, forced from her home in Boston, must return to her Blue Ridge Mountains to escape a scandal. Certain that her dreams are on hold, Stella Emory doesn’t expect to find a prince charming in the form of James Craven, a young man who works in the gardens of the famed Biltmore Estate. Brought together unexpectedly, the two begin a tender friendship inspired by James’s little sister and the story of Cinderella, but James isn’t all he seems. As their friendship grows into a romance, the truth of James’s millionaire status shakes Stella’s confidence. When her past follows her to Asheville, Stella thinks her chance at romance with James is over, but will a Christmas masquerade and the remnants of a charm bracelet somehow provide the magic Stella needs to clear her name and claim her own happily-ever-after?

This was not a book I thought I’d love, and boy, was I ever surprised! It was a great Cinderella retelling and a sweet romance, with great characters, an awesome message, and a good plot. What more can a girl ask for?! Especially when she has that wonderful cover??!!

Full review here | 5/10 hearts

4. Befriending the Beast by Amanda Tero

Belle has returned unannounced to the castle to restore her relationship with the king, her father. Her hopes are dashed with the devastating message: “The king refuses to see you.” Convinced that God has led her home, she is unwilling to return to Lord and Lady Kiralyn.
Time is running out for the decision that will change her life. When tragedy strikes, will she and her father be pulled further apart or knit together? Could she stay at the castle even if she will never see her father again?

Very possibly the second indie book I ever read… and probably the very first retelling… this Beauty & the Beast retelling was quite satisfactory. There’s even a nod to The Secret Garden with the roses. I really have to reread this book, actually, and update my review… as with several of these. 😜

Full review here | Rating: 4/10 hearts

5. The Secret Slipper by Amanda Tero

Being a cripple is only the beginning of Lia’s troubles. It seems as if Bioti’s goal in life is to make Lia as miserable as possible. If Lia’s purpose is to be a slave, then why did God make her a cripple? How can He make something beautiful out of her deformity?
Raoul never questioned the death of his daughter until someone reports her whereabouts. If Ellia is still alive, how has she survived these ten years with her deformity? When Raoul doesn’t know who to trust, can he trust God to keep Ellia safe when evidence reveals Bioti’s dangerous character?
As time brings more hindrances, will Raoul find Ellia, or will she forever be lost to the father she doesn’t even know is searching for her?

Yes, this is book 2 of Tales of Faith, and imma highlight them all—sue me. This is a Cinderella retelling with several twists! Again, I gotta reread it, so check out my review for more info, but I remember I really loved this one and actually screamed because my kindle died at the climax. 😆

Full review here | Rating: 5/10 hearts

6. Protecting the Poor by Amanda Tero

Sheriff Feroci is now lord over the province, and Abtshire has become a pit of injustice. Being forced into the lord’s service does not give Dumphey as many opportunities to help the poor as he desires. When attempts on his life drive him into the forest, this freedom opens a world of possibilities for helping others. But how can he do so when he is running for his life? And does God want him to do more than simply feed the poor?
Noel has always hidden behind the shadow of his older brother, Dumphey. When life forces him to stand on his own, will he still follow God in the corrupt world in which he lives? Would God really call him to do something that is beyond his power to do?
As Lord Feroci’s sinister plot comes to light, each lad has a choice to make. A choice that could cost them their lives.

A Robin Hood retelling, this time! Which isn’t exactly a fairytale, but I’m not sure if legends count in these things? Most fairytales comes from legends, I expect… anyways, I had to finish out the Tales of Faith series. This one is more closely connected to book 2, but I believe all three books can be read as standalones. Certainly #1 and #2 can!

Full review here | Rating: 5/10 hearts

Okay, now I’m going to focus on books by one single author, because she is THE BEST. Ready?

7. CROWN by Madisyn Carlin

Can a noblewoman-turned-goose girl stop a sinister plot before it’s too late?
All Isadora Fendalva wants is to secure aid for her struggling town, but a maid’s betrayal lands her in a commoner’s field herding geese. With her maid posing as Isadora and hatching nefarious schemes to do away with the royal family, Isadora finds herself relying on the fragments of her faith. Will God answer her pleas, or will evil schemes succeed and be the end of her and the royal family?

We are finally getting into different fairytales. CROWN is a Christian fantasy fairy tale retelling of The Goose Girl! I read this prequel after reading book 1 in the series, but I believe either way works? Anyhow, you need to read this series, however you start it. 😝

Full review here | Rating: 5/10 hearts

8. IRON by Madisyn Carlin

Enforcing justice comes with a price.
Detective Redwyn “Red” Deathan will stop at nothing to uncover those behind the ruthless kidnappings of multiple children. But things are not as they seem, and Red’s efforts are thwarted at every turn. With each discovery the danger grows, putting Red and the lives of those she cares about at risk. Can she reveal the mastermind’s identity before she herself becomes a target?

I never know what to expect when reading fantasy, but I’ve come to learn that with Madisyn Carlin, it means a good writing style, epic worldbuilding, wonderful messages, and spellbinding characters. This book kicks off an AMAZING series and this particular book is a retelling of Cinderella… with PLENTY of twists and a splendid message. Absolutely not to miss.

Full review here | Rating: 7/10 hearts

9. KEY by Madisyn Carlin

When Nerissa Wessen finds an unconscious man near her village, she knows one thing: trouble is on its way. What she doesn’t anticipate is the stranger’s charming smile—or the reason why he’s in her land in the first place.
Detective Denton Yindell wants only to put his past behind him and make good on a failed promise. When unforeseen circumstances place him on the doorstep of the very people who can help, Denton must convince the distrustful villagers to assist him.
But good intentions can bring about disastrous consequences, and when Denton’s past hunts him down, Nerissa’s family and village are threatened. Can two hearts—one wary and one wounded—learn to trust before evil eradicates those who oppose it?

Rapunzel’s back! Also, I loved this book even more than the first one, just sayin’. This one has a slightly different setting than #1, and doesn’t really show most of those main characters, but it builds an amazing new cast and also a great new part of the fantasy land. I’m not even sure what to say to convince you without repeating myself, so just read my review below…

Full review here | Rating: 7/10 hearts

10. ARROW by Madisyn Carlin

Saving lives is a deadly endeavor.
When her plans to return a kidnapped child to his family are thwarted, royal detective Redwyn “Red” Deathan’s journey takes an unexpected path when she finds herself agreeing to assist Frilore’s monarchy in hunting down those responsible for poisoning their son. The prince has few days left to live, and not only must Red discover the cure and culprit, but she must also assist in dismantling a deadly trafficking ring—and neither culprit nor traffickers appreciate her interference.
Ruid MacTíré is weary of war, but when it again knocks on his clan’s doorstep, he finds himself thrust into not only a captaincy he does not want, but also expected to take down one of his people’s greatest enemies. As pressure grows and the war threatens everyone he loves, Ruid finds himself not only fighting for his people, but for his heart as well.
Maerin Rósach never wanted to fight, but war offers her no choice. Determined to help repel the evil her chieftain is determined to spread, she signs up to fight for her clan’s enemy. Despite the captain’s awkward, yet kind attempts to gain her friendship, Maerin resolves to remain aloof, for if anyone uncovers her secret, her life will be forfeited and her siblings will be taken away. Her heart, however, has different plans, and she soon finds herself softening toward the man who holds her life in his hands.
As danger threatens countless lives and unknown enemies emerge at every turn, Red, Ruid, and Maerin must find a way to overcome evil schemes and increasing peril or risk losing everyone they hold dear.

Okay so technically Mulan might not be a fairytale…? But she is one of the Disney princesses, so….??? I don’t know, I’m counting it because I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I quit watching the film partway through for conscience’s sake but I recognize some elements, and it’s just as charming and sassy. Hands down my favourite of the series so far (and it will be hard to beat).

Full review here | Rating: 8/10 hearts

11. Shattered Reflection by Madisyn Carlin

Can hope be found for four shattered souls?
Princess Nordica Icerri’s crown will be purchased with blood—her blood. Now the sole heir to the throne, she is determined to be the queen the Snowlands deserve, but that comes with a price: a numbed heart and soul. Only when she meets kidnapped physician Loren Alocer does Nordica allow herself to hope she can become queen without completely losing herself. But not everyone wants what’s best for the Snowlands, and Nordica’s upcoming rule is compromised at every turn. Can the criminal physician—and his faith—thaw Nordica’s heart, or is she destined to be the heartless queen she is being forced to become?
War shattered not only Breac Finson’s heart, but his faith as well. Tired of fighting, Breac only wants to be left alone, but his efforts are for naught when a friend calls in a favor. He soon finds himself in an unexpected alliance with Layree Alocer, a woman determined to find her wrongfully-kidnapped brother at all costs. Can a broken soldier help right a wrong—and find his faith again in the process?
Sides must be chosen and loyalties will be tested as a new war approaches. Can broken lives be mended in time to help save the Snowlands, or is evil already too deeply embedded?

This Snow Queen retelling is super deep but super good. It’s the start of a fantastic series and has some of my favourite characters ever! There’s so much faith and romance and snark and sweetness… just read my review, because I’ll just be repeating myself otherwise. 🤪

Full review here | Rating: 6/10 hearts

12. Shattered Reaction by Madisyn Carlin

War darkens the horizon…
In the wake of destruction, revenge drives Arioch en Kyrida to hunt down the man responsible for destroying half his village. His search leads him to a town where truth is hoarded and secrets lurk in every corner. Solely focused on making his target pay, Arioch cares little for the whispers of approaching evil until he is strongarmed into helping protect one of his most recent nemeses. If Anthi Klarkson doesn’t drive him insane—and if he manages to keep her alive long enough—they may be able to help stop the incoming war in its tracks. But someone wants Anthi dead, and they’ll do anything to achieve that mission.
Zinnia Klarkson wants nothing more than peace for her mourning family, but nearby attacks, kidnappings, and rumors of impending war steal all hope of a quiet life. When a mostly-dead man lands on her doorstep, hunted and without strong chance of survival, she is thrust into a covert operation that threatens her family’s safety. As secrets grow and answers remain veiled, Zinnia must choose between helping a ragtag group of reluctant allies or keeping her family out of harm’s path.
Trust must mend what was once shattered and courage must be sought as a second All Lands War threatens to decimate the six lands.

This one’s a Snow White & Red Rose retelling, and it’s my favourite of the series so far. I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS! They’ve stuck to me for SO long. There’s a goose, a couple broken soldiers, two very stubborn heroines, and plenty of action…

Full review here | Rating: 8/10 hearts

13. Shattered Resistance by Madisyn Carlin

Some secrets are best left hidden…
Librarian Elmery Nemorio has no idea why a group of deranged lunatics want her dead, but she does know she will lose her sanity if she has to spend one more minute with her sarcastic bodyguard, Vladic Cindari. Unfortunately, as danger grows and more attempts on her life are made, she begins to suspect Vladic is the least of her worries. Forced from her home and into a life of peril and secrecy, Elmery doesn’t know what the next days will bring. Joined by the annoying Vladic, she finds herself immersed in a renewed battle not only for her home, but for all the lands. When she uncovers information best left unknown, will it help win the war or bring harm to those she loves?

I haven’t managed to write my review yet (will add it when I do!) because it’s been a very busy time, but I just finished this Little Mermaid retelling and highly enjoyed it! The walking pains, the voice, the villainess in purple… yussss. And the characters are amazing, as always (slowly gathering together!!) and the romance is adorable and the sass is insane and—ugh, I just love it!

Full review here | Rating: 6/10 hearts

14. A Silent Hope by Madisyn Carlin

Can hope be found when everything seems hopeless?
When illness threatens her brother’s life, deaf peasant Calaine Kalen vows to do anything to save him—including finding work near a war-torn area overrun with giants and nefarious schemes. When war threatens Prince Renner Leorin’s kingdom, he vows to save it no matter what—even if that means convincing a surly former enemy to help.
She needs a cure. He needs a miracle. Can tragedy bring two unlikely hearts together, or will heartbreak shatter any hope of both love and saving those they care about?
A Silent Hope, a New Adult, faith-filled retelling of The Wounded Lion, is a standalone novella, complete with tropes like rags-to-riches, concealed identity, and a deaf heroine. It is part of the Hope Ever After series, a collection of twenty hopeful and uplifting fairy tale retellings. Each book is written by a different author, so it can be enjoyed in any order. The proceeds from this series are donated to the O.U.R. (Operation Underground Rescue) to rescue children from exploitation and trafficking.

As the blurb so helpfully states, this is a Wounded Lion retelling and it is FANTASTIC. I adored this book. I LOVED the lions, and the giants, and the romance, and the characters, and basically everything, and the ASL representation, and did I mention everything?

Full review here | Rating: 7/10 hearts

There’s a couple other retellings I could mention like CinderEddy: A Twist of Cinderella by Kendra E. Ardnek, and Cloaked (A Little Red Riding Hood Retelling) by Rachel Kovaciny. You can find these and plenty other retellings on my Goodreads shelf. 😉

The Schedule

Thursday (June 20th) – Cinderella by Every Other Name ~ Amelia Grace
Friday (June 21st) – Favorite Fairytale Movies ~ Katherine Perry
Saturday (June 22nd) – Fairytale Inspired Moodboards ~ C.K Heartwing
Monday (June 24th) – Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Virgina Henderson
Tuesday (June 25th) – Magical Moodboards ~ Amelia Grace / Several Fairytale topics ~ Cate VanNostrand
Wednesday (June 26th) – Blog Post ~ Madisyn Carlin
Thursday (June 27th) – My Favourite Fairytale Retellings ~ Katja Labonté { YOU ARE HERE! 😊 }
Friday (June 28th) – Snow and Rose ~ Lillian Keith
Saturday (June 29th) – My Favorite Fairytale(s) ~ Amelia Grace / Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Rose Q. Addams
Monday (July 1st) – Blog Post ~ Jaiden Phillips
Tuesday (July 2nd) – Penelope Penwiggles Posts ~ Lillian Keith
Wednesday (July 3rd) – Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Desiree
Thursday (July 4th) – Favorite Fairytale / Thanks for Playing! ~ Amelia Grace

Thank you for joining me on this lil’ tour of my favs, and feel free to drop your favourite nonmagical retellings in the comments! I’d love recs. 😉😉

Published by Katja H. Labonté

Hi! I’m Katja :) I’m a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. I am a bilingual French-Canadian and have about a dozen topics I'm excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why I write). I spend my days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

5 thoughts on “My Favourite Fairytale Retellings // A Fairytale Summer Blog Event

  1. Ahhh, she has hit my weak spot! *braces against the wave of recs that rushes out* Skipping the ones you’ve already mentioned…

    Our Christmas Bear by Sarah Brazytis (Snow White and Rose Red; post-Civil War setting; maybe the most adorable thing I’ve ever read)

    Once Upon a Christmas and Once Upon a Summer by Andrea Boyd and others (multiple stories; in particular, Gwen and the Three Dates by Teresa Tysinger absolutely wrecked me)

    The entire Once Upon a Western series by Rachel Kovaciny (multiple stories; how am I supposed to pick a favorite?)

    The Once Upon a Duchy series by Rachel Rosanno (multiple stories; still need to give them the reviews they deserve)

    All the Queen’s Sons by Elizabeth Kipps (Twelve Dancing Princesses; MY HEART!!!)

    To Betray a King by Annette K. Larsen (Frog Prince; incredible story; does contain spoilers for the Books of Dalthia series)

    The Wicked Prince by Celeste Baxendell (Robin Hood; gender-flipped enemies to lovers story I never thought I wanted but definitely needed)

    Out of the Tomb by Ashley Stangl in the Five Magic Spindles collection (Sleeping Beauty; gender-flipped sci-fi with shades of Anastasia and the Russian Revolution; words entirely fail me; does contain non-magical aliens)

    Doctor and King by Camille Esther (Sleeping Beauty; incredible characters with entirely human flaws; docked one star for a somewhat gruesome fight scene)

    They Call Her Ella by P.D. Atkerson (Cinderella; not a full-on retelling, but enough references that you can tell; also spies, so…)

    The Beggar Prince by Kate Stradling (King Thrushbeard; laughed out loud and wanted to strangle people and hug them at the same time; still need to get a review up, but it’s good)

    Well… *pushes list of not-quite-favorites back* That’s probably enough for now. 😆

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, Katja, this is an extensive list! I always have a little trouble with retellings because they always focus so much on romance… But I did enjoy the Muppets ones when I was little. We must have borrowed Muppets Fairytale Theater from the VHS section of out library a good dozen times! My favorites were Rumplestiltskin (such an underrated fairytale, tho!) and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The songs they played were so catchy! XD

    Liked by 1 person

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