The Avid Readers Award Tag

Wooohooo!! Today we are doing the Avid Readers Award Tag and it is super fun. 😀

The Rules…

  • Display the blog award logo in your blog.
  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you. // Thank you, Jenna! ❤

Do not forget to link to their blogging website. //

  • List your favourite 5 books. 
  • Answer all the questions they have given you.
  • Nominate 4 bloggers of your choice.
  • Ask them 10 questions.

My Top 5 books…


And now the questions!


The first set of questions are the ones Jenna answered and I did them cause they were so cool. 


01. If you were forced to live in a book world, which would you live in?

Enemy Brothers‘ world, hands down!!! Imagine living at the White Priory with the Inglefords!! And I know they would take me in, too. <33 


02. What is one scene from a book that stuck with you? (We don’t have to get it, just say it!)

The scene in Enemy Brothers when Dym is talking of the war and of history. <33 He put into words what I had been feeling all along… 


03. What is one imaginary object that you wish was real?

Oh boy. Uhm… I have nooooo idea. There’s probably something in a book somewhere that I really wish I could have, but for the life of me I can’t think of one… 


04. What cover of a book do you like best?

I beg your pardon??


How on earth is that a real question???


My favourite cover on my bookshelf right now is the cover of Little Women (it’s the same cover my review is linked to).


And that’s all the choosing I’ll do. 


05. What book character do you relate most to?

I did a post about 5 characters I most relate to. Out of those 5 the one I relate to most is Katy. Check the blog post for more explanation. 😉


06. Which book villain do you hate most?

Probably one from Sherlock Holmes… not sure which one though. He had some really awful ones. 


07. What is one book you can’t stand or can’t get into?

I have a hard time getting into books with a lot of embarrassment happening to the characters, so some of the Trixie Belden books were hard for me to get into. 


08. What is one book character quote?



Here are my two top favs. 


“I’d like to add some beauty to life, said Anne dreamily. I don’t exactly want to make people know more… though I know that is the noblest ambition… but I’d love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me… to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn’t been born.”

~Anne Shirley from Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery. 




But I don’t really know; I’m not in the Operations Room, you see. All I do know is that the world has a Chief who was victorious when the powers of darkness struck at Him with everything they had. He has the plans today. The darkness won’t last forever. There’s a splendor beyond.

~Dymory Ingleford from Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery. 


09. Have you read any of my favorites? XD

Probably not XD idk?? 


10. What is your favourite nonfiction book?

The Bible, hands down. 


And now Jenna’s questions!

01. What would your dream library look like?

Floor-to-ceiling, covering-the-walls-like-wallpaper bookshelves. A really cozy snuggly couch with a comfy blanket. Excellent lighting. Some plants and flowers to rest your eyes. Everything spick-&-span. 


02. What three authors would you want to collaborate on a book?

Kassie Angle, Kaitlyn Krispense, & Jesseca Wheaton. 


03. What author would you want to meet in person?

All my indie author friends. *smirks* 


04. What’s your favourite book in a genre you don’t usually read in?

Persuasion. I don’t like romance as a genre, but this one was soooo amazing. 


05. What’s your favourite book to movie adaptation?

2000 Railway Children movie, hands-down. 


06. Hardcover or paperback?

Paperback. Hardcovers are too heavy, and I HATE dust jackets with a vengeance. 


07. Matte or glossy paperbacks?

Glossy, because matte shows all your fingerprints! *shudders*


08. What’s your favourite indie book?

Tattered Wings by Kassie Angle. 


09. What genre will you never read from?

Horror. And apparently there’s a genre called bodice-rippers and it sounds absolutely horrific (no pun intended) and is totally on my list. 


10. Who’s your all-time top favourite fictional character?

George Dymory Ingleford. <33 No questions. 


And I nominate…





and Abby.


Feel free to do like me and steal Jenna’s questions. Here are mine. 


1. If you could pick one fictional character as your sibling, who would it be? 

2. What’s a strong opinion you have about a trope/opinion/anything else lacking in books, especially Christian fiction? 

3. What’s a book you didn’t expect to like but fell head over heels in love with?

4. What is your dream reading goal?

5. Favourite quote (or two ;P) about reading? 

6. Your opinion on dust jackets?? 

7. Your favourite book spine(s)?

8. Do you like to eat while reading? 

9. Can you read with silence or music in the background?

10. What’s your favourite indie book? (‘Cause we gotta spread the love!)


And there you are. This was a ton of fun and I hope it was for you too! 😀


Feel free to answer the questions in the comments!! 


Published by Katja H. Labonté

Hi! I’m Katja :) I’m a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. I am a bilingual French-Canadian and have about a dozen topics I'm excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why I write). I spend my days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

17 thoughts on “The Avid Readers Award Tag

  1. This was so fun! “Enemy Brothers” is at the top of my TBR, and I really need to find an UNadapted, UNabridged copy of “Little Women.” I generally prefer hardcover as long as it’s without a dust jacket. Dust jackets are a nightmare!


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