The What’s Your WIP? Blog Tag (+ Special Announcement)

So I created this years ago (okay like 3) and thought it would be fun to relaunch it this November, when everyone has a WIP to share about! 😉



  • Thank the person who tagged you & link to their blog.
  • Link back to the creator, Katja @ Little Blossoms for Jesus, & add the tag graphic. 
  • List the rules. 
  • Answer the questions. 
  • Feel free to add snippets!
  • Tag as many or as few people as you wish & let them know they’re tagged. 
  • Add a clean copy of the questions at the end of your post for the “tagged.”


1. Has your WIP a working title? If so, tell us! If not, have you any idea of what it might be? 

My WIP is called The Colour Red 😇 this is positively the last time I rewrite it. It’s named this because the colour red stands for love and the topic of this book is finding love… ❤

“Maybe,” Jay whispered, “red can be a beautiful colour, after all.”
“Maybe it can,” Orlando said softly. “And even if it still isn’t, for you, we’ll be there, Jay. We’ll do our best to remove the triggers for you and make you feel safe. Red is the colour of love, you know… and we love you so much.”
Eyes brimming, Jay looked up and smiled. Maybe the memories would always haunt him… but maybe love would be enough to combat them.

2. Have you a synopsis for your WIP? If so, give it to us! If not, can you give us a blurb on what your WIP is about? 

After like a hundred revisions, here’s the synopsis which I still don’t love

“Maybe red can be a beautiful colour, after all.”
My name was Jay Walker. I was twelve. And if there was anything I hated, it was the colour red. It represented too much evil. The murder of my father and mother. The danger that surrounded me in the cutthroat criminal-controlled Euratia. And Hugo.
But if there was anything I loved, it was my brother Leeam. Life was one eternal round of fear and anxiety in that awful place, but Leeam made life worthwhile. Until my worst fear came true, and the colour red became still more sinister.
Then The Brothers chased me out of the Euratia, and I was caught by the Narruyan police. I was given two options, and I had a choice to make. I chose to trust Officer Randall and his family, letting them foster me.
But I never was good at trusting people or letting go of my fear. And my triggers abounded.
Is everyone and everything the same? Could I learn to love and trust these people, in spite of everything? Could the colour red mean more than death and danger?
This is my story… my journey from fear and depression to freedom and happiness.

3. Have you a working/mock cover for your WIP? If so, show us! If not, have you an idea in mind?

Again, I don’t love this cover but I can’t figure what I really want lol

The tulips that laced the path around the fence were not his favourites. He liked the yellow ones, but they were entirely too close to the red tulips, and Jay hated them passionately. The tulips were Orlando’s favourites, though, and he had spent one evening pointing out to Jay how tulips were all different colours and looks and even personalities, but still all the same, “just like people.” The words had struck Jay. He lived his life on the principle that all people were alike in their basic reactions and emotions—all just as cruel and deceitful and selfish—yet Orlando completely overturned that idea in his uniqueness of character. At times, as he stared into the procession of flowers, Jay wondered if Orlando were right, and if the people of The Euratia were really not a sample of general humanity. If so… if so, then there was hope that the Randalls were trustworthy… because not everyone was as betraying as The Brothers. It was a complicated and indistinct thought, but it brought comfort to Jay when he lay awake at nights and wondered how soon it would be that forever would end.

4. How did you get the idea for this story?

Honestly, it’s a mixture of watching a lot of police videos, reading Healing Their Hearts by Cleopatra Margot, and having a story-in-my-head that I spun for years and kept changing. I’ve told the story of how it came about in more detail here. ;P But basically, this book was the expression of the truth that I couldn’t keep silent about:

“Of course, in every profession, there are bad people,” he said. “There are bad teachers, bad doctors, bad pastors, bad mothers. But for every bad one, there are always some good ones who honestly want to do their job and do what’s right. We mustn’t let one person’s actions make us judge a whole group of people. Everyone is unique and has their own backgrounds and struggles and strengths. We all have to make our own decisions. One person’s actions doesn’t condemn a whole category of totally different people. And you can never tell, by looking at someone, exactly who they are and why they are as they are. Leeam wasn’t like the rest of The Brothers, was he?”
“No!” Jay cried out.
“Exactly. Nor are you. We’re all different, see? And just because someone is in a group doesn’t make that whole group like that person… or make that person like that group.”

5. How long do you think it will be? Is it longer or shorter than you thought it would be?

I originally thought it would be a novella. Then I thought it would be 50k. Draft 1 stopped at 66k. When I started draft 2 this year I thought maybe 80k… or 90k… or 100k. It is currently 112k and I’m expecting it to top out around 120k. I can hardly believe it, really…. 111k was my Highest Dream Number Ever,™️ because two women I knew wrote 100,000+ word novels. I knew I would never get that far, but that was “my highest ideal of writerly bliss,” to misquote Anne Shirley. ❤ So… yes. This is way longer than I expected.

“I think, Jay,” he said softly, “that Leeam would be very pleased with you.”
“Why?” Jay whispered.
He wasn’t being brave. He was only doing what he ought to do—what he should have done a long time ago.
Daddy knelt on one knee and laid both hands on Jay’s shoulders, squeezing them approvingly.
“Because you are being truly courageous right now,” he said. “The fear is there, but you are choosing to push past it and not let it control you. Being brave isn’t being fearless, it’s not giving in to the fear. It’s being stronger than the fear.”
Jay looked down, silent. That made sense, in a way. If one wasn’t frightened, being brave wasn’t really anything—it was only being normal. But if one was frightened, then being brave was a choice—and a hard one.

6. Who’s your favourite character so far? 

That question is so hard.

Orlando is my favourite to write about, because he is so fun and easy to do. He’s basically my dream big brother, haha, but also just a great guy.

“What would you like to do?” Orlando asked at last with a bright smile.
“I have so much already,” Jay answered softly, looking down at the marshmallow in his hand.
“I know that,” Orlando said quickly. “But it’s always nice to have a treat. What’ll it be?”
Jay hesitated, but Orlando waited patiently.
“Cinnamon buns,” Jay murmured at last.
“Like, make them? Or just have some to eat?” Orlando seemed completely unbothered by Jay’s request, and Jay plucked up heart.
“Making them would be fun…” he ventured.
Orlando only nodded. “Okay, cinnamon buns it is. Any other fun thing you want to do with me?”
Jay was silent for a long time, thinking. What he liked best was the spontaneous, normal things they did—unexpectedly roasting marshmallows, taking long walks at random, impulsively going to the park to play. But Orlando seemed to take these things for granted. He wanted more exciting and unusual things..

But Officer Randall is my favourite person in the whole book, and I ADORE writing his scenes. He has the best ones. 😉

Officer Randall caught Jay’s eye in the rearview mirror. “Marée,” he said very gently.
She stopped short and looked at him questioningly.
“I think someone needs some reassurance that you love dimple-less people too,” he said softly.
Mrs. Randall stared at him, startled. She looked back at Jay for a moment, then grinned. “Of course I do,” she said happily. “I love all my boys, and they’re all handsome in their own ways! Orlando has the sparkliest eyes… and this hulk’s kinda cute too.” She grinned again and playfully slapped Officer Randall’s shoulder. He smiled into her eyes for a moment and then turned his gaze back onto the road, saying nothing. But her hand went back to rest on his leg, and he let go of the steering wheel with one hand to grasp hers and interlace their fingers.
Jay glanced at Orlando. He was leaning his head against the side of the truck, smiling with a peculiarly peaceful, grateful expression. Looking back at the parents in the front, Jay watched Officer Randall’s thumb gently stroke his wife’s knuckles, and a warm glow went through him. The couples in The Euratia were always fighting, both with words and blows. It was good to see such sweet love and trust. Surely that was what Mummy and Dad had looked like… surely they had been just as happy and loving. Jay leaned his head against the truck again and watched without a word, heart swelling with pleasure.

It might be the original writing process during KDWC July 2020, when almost the whole camp was cheering for me and I was so happy and excited and having such a great time. ❤ I will never forget that camp… it’ll never been the same but I treasure it.

However, I also really love the conversations that I’ve had with Ryana Lynn &/or Akira, brainstorming and figuring out characters and everything. It was really amazing and crazy as it sounds, I think it cemented our friendship! 😉

8. Any special person(s) who helped create it? 

Oh goodness, how can I name them all? There’s a whole section in the acknowledgements with thanks yous… but I’ll just name a couple super special people.

Kassie Angle was the one who, when I wished I could write this story, demanded, “So why don’t you?” Without you pushing me out of my comfort zone, this book—this whole series—my entire journey—a huge part of my life—would not be. She also answered all my questions, from police officers’ breaks, to what nurses wear at the nurses’ station, to a dog’s anatomy, to adopted kids, and even offered to help with IV research so I didn’t get sick looking it up.

Chelsea Burden cheered me on ever since I first began this story, and refused to let me get down or quit. ❤ Abigail Harris also. Courtenay Burden has been a huge help to me, reading my rough drafts and answering my millions of questions. ❤ Erika Mathews, Angie Thompson, & Hannah G. supported me at crucial moments.

Akira & Ryana Lynn—you spent over two hours supporting me that night when I needed someone desperately. You let me vent and scream and cry and be angry. Then you helped me pick myself up and move on. You supported, comforted, and validated me. You reminded me what this story was all about and why it needed to be shared. I have no word to express my gratitude. Both of you have brainstormed with me extensively, and let me pester you with questions.

Akira, I owe you especial thanks for doing EXTENSIVE brainstorming with me and figuring characters out, even to the point of texting as if we were one or the other. Without that, I wouldn’t have these characters nailed enough to do this rewrite. ❤ This book is half yours, girl.

9. What’s your favourite scene so far (if you can tell us without spoilers! xP)? 

Picking my favourite scene is HARD… I love all of this book so much. But I particularly like the red popsicle scene. 😉 IYKYK 😉  Can’t say more because #spoilers but it includes Jay + Orlando + tears. ❤

10. Can you give us a snippet? 😉 

The slam of a car door sounded from the front of the house. Daddy was home… there was the front door shutting,.
“Hi, Dad!” Orlando yelled, and stepped outside. He smiled at Jay and sat down on the porch steps, looking up at the sky.
There were Daddy’s feet along the passage. Jay peeped into the kitchen, preparing to smile and wave.
“Hi, love.”
Daddy was tired. Jay could hear the weariness bleeding into his voice, though he spoke as gently as ever. He was worn out through and through by something… almost sad.
“Hi, sweetheart!” Mama exclaimed happily, oblivious to his emotions. “Guess what happened today?”
“What?” Daddy said patiently. He placed his lunch bag on the counter and listened quietly as she happily unloaded information on various friends. Daddy nodded along, and when she paused for a reply, he always answered something kind and relevant. His eyes, fixed on her, were tired but still full of love. At last the microwave timer interrupted her, and she became distracted by the cake she was mixing.
“I’m just going to change and I’ll be back,” Daddy said softly, and went upstairs. Mama nodded and hurried to place her cake in the oven.
Daddy was back within a few minutes. He walked up to Mama and placed a hand on her shoulder, waiting while she set the oven timer. Then she looked up, and he cradled her head in his hands and bent to kiss her.
It was a long kiss, and when he finished, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Mama put her own arms around his neck and leaned her head against him.
“You’re tired tonight, aren’t you, sweetheart?” she murmured.
He mumbled something intelligible but affirmative.
“Hard day?” she said softly, rubbing his back.
He groaned, then sighed. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry.”
For a long time they stood like that. Then Daddy released her and straightened. Mama patted his back one last time and reached for the fridge door. “We had rice with corn and beans for supper. Do you want me to heat that up, or make you something different…?”
“No, no, thanks,” he answered wearily. “I’m not hungry.”
Mama pouted, as she sometimes did when something hurt and saddened her. She watched Daddy for a moment, her eyes unhappy. Then she turned back to her oven and pursed her lips, crossing her arms.
Daddy had moved towards the back door, and he now caught sight of Jay and Orlando. “Hi, boys,” he said with a tired smile. “How was your day?”
“It was good,” Orlando said enthusiastically as Daddy stepped onto the porch. Jay winced. Daddy didn’t need another broadside of words and excitement. But Orlando seemed to have understood this himself, and volunteered no more information. Daddy sank down into his porch chair with a stifled groan and leaned back, stretching out his legs. He closed his eyes and remained silent.
For a minute Jay watched him. Then he leaned forwards and briefly touched Daddy’s hand. It was the only way he could express his sympathy and love.
Daddy’s eyes opened, and he smiled up at Jay. The look in his eyes made Jay bold. He slipped his hand into Daddy’s big, calloused one. Daddy’s fingers tightened about it, then he patted Jay’s fingers with his. Jay leaned his head against Daddy’s knee, and they were silent together.
For a long time they sat there as evening deepened, and watched the trees, the sky, the birds, the squirrels. It was nearly dusk when Mama came out with two bowls. She said nothing, surprisingly, but she handed Daddy one of the bowls and watched him narrowly.
The bowl was full of a crumbly oatmeal and apple mixture. Daddy looked at it, then back up at Mama. “You didn’t have to,” he said, and his voice was husky.
“No,” Mama admitted, “but I wanted to.”
“I love you,” he murmured, and he pulled her down for a kiss.
Then she handed the second bowl to Jay. “Maple syrup, apples, and oatmeal. Your father’s favourite. Try it.”
Jay obediently took a bite. It really was delicious; sweet, but not over-sweet; crispy; and tender.
Mama pulled up a chair and sat down next to Daddy, interlacing her fingers with his. He stroked her hand with his thumb. Orlando came up the steps and sat down on the floor next to Jay, wrapping his arms around his legs. Jay leaned his head against Orlando’s shoulder and quietly soaked in the moment.
Life was more than good now. Life was beautiful.

11. Is the story still what you thought it would be or has it thrown you a couple curveballs? 

The plot hasn’t changed very much, nor the themes. The characters have, a little bit… especially Leeam. ;P


From somewhere outside Jay could hear the carousal of the men, but inside their room it was silent. He closed his eyes and lay down, hoping for sleep to come and let him escape his pain.
With a sigh, Leeam came to sit beside him. Gently his hand stroked Jay’s head over and over, soothing him.
“I’m so sorry you have to deal with this, Jay,” Leeam whispered.
Jay gave a small shrug, but he was too tired to answer verbally.
“I don’t know why we’re still here,” Leeam whispered even more quietly. “I just know that God turns everything to good. I promise that, Jay. But I still wish you didn’t have to suffer like this. I would give anything to free you…”
His voice died away, but somehow Jay felt there was more his brother wanted to say but didn’t dare to. Those last words rang in his ears. I would give anything to free you… anything… to free you…

Mostly what’s changed is how the story impacted ME. It’s really changed my life and the way I think, and taught me so much… I can’t even express it all.

12. Is there a Bible verse, poem, hymn, picture, or quote that helped shape this story? 

Oh man, there’s like 900+. Just check out my Pinterest board, haha. Here’s a couple…

“What’s your favourite verse?” Jay asked.
“Oh, there are many I love,” Orlando said easily. “But one of my favourites is this: ‘Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.’”
That was why Orlando and Leeam had the same Love and the same Light. They both knew God.

13. When and where have you done most of the writing so far? 

I have done it at all times of morning, afternoon, and night. The latest I worked on it was 11 PM. Most of the writing was done in early afternoon, late morning, or early evening. ;P And 90% of it was done at my desk. I have written in the car on my phone, or at the couch or kitchen table on my computer.

14. Where do you get inspiration for this story? 

From the playlist…

… the Pinterest board…

… my own life… videos and stories I find… pretty much everywhere.

15. Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I am a planster, a.k.a. half and half. I start with a bullet-list outline of the five main points and start writing. But I have to pause and brainstorm almost every chapter before I write it, and sometimes have to pause and outline/brainstorm the coming chapters to analyze the turn a chapter will take.

16. Do you have a little ritual before you start writing? 

I try to remember to pray before I start writing. And I usually turn on the playlist.

17. Are you thinking of publishing this story? 

Absolutely! I’m planning to publish it in spring 2022, Lord willing. ❤

18. What things have you learned while writing this story? 

Oh, I couldn’t state them all…

I learned it’s okay to not be perfect.

I learned it’s okay to have to do second drafts.

I learned it’s okay if dreams take time.

I learned nothing is ever wasted.

I learned I am not alone.

I learned I have been give words to share.

I learned it’s okay if people don’t like me or disagree with me.

I learned that people do love me. God loves me. I am valued. I do have worth.

I learned to let go of things.


Chelsea, Courtenay, Ryana Lynn, Eva-Joy, and anyone else who wants to do it!


  1. Has your WIP a working title? If so, tell us! If not, have you any idea of what it might be?
  2. Have you a synopsis for your WIP? If so, give it to us! If not, can you give us a blurb on what your WIP is about?
  3. Have you a working/mock cover for your WIP? If so, show us! If not, have you an idea in mind?
  4. How did you get the idea for this story?
  5. How long do you think it will be? Is it longer or shorter than you thought it would be?
  6. Who’s your favourite character so far?
  7. What’s your favourite memory related to this WIP?
  8. Any special person(s) who helped create it?
  9. What’s your favourite scene so far (if you can tell about it without spoilers!)?
  10. Can you give us a snippet? 😉
  11. Is the story still what you thought it would be or has it thrown you a couple curveballs?
  12. Is there a Bible verse, poem, hymn, picture, or quote that helped shape this story?
  13. When and where have you done most of the writing so far?
  14. Where do you get inspiration for this story?
  15. Are you a plotter or a pantser?
  16. Do you have a little ritual before you start writing?
  17. Are you thinking of publishing this story?
  18. What things have you learned while writing this story?



I have just opened the beta-reading form for Colour Red. So if you’re interested, hop over to read about it and the requirements, etc.

And there you are. Have a wonderful day, friends!! ❤

Published by Katja H. Labonté

Hi! I’m Katja :) I’m a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. I am a bilingual French-Canadian and have about a dozen topics I'm excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why I write). I spend my days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

12 thoughts on “The What’s Your WIP? Blog Tag (+ Special Announcement)

  1. Hello Katja!!! this is Katherine by the way😂
    Okay, if possible, I am even more excited to read this, so please hurry up and finish!!!!!!
    (I know I’ll looove Orlando, and I’ll feel very sorry for Jay baby.)
    You are a really good writer, and I love your style of writing ❤️❤️❤️
    Please finish!!
    Happy writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Katherine! I was wondering who you were, haha.
      I am so glad you’re excited! I’m hoping to finish up real soon 🙂 I hope you enjoy it 😉 thank you for all the compliments & support! You’re so sweet ❤
      Have a wonderful day!


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