November 2022 Wrap-Up

*waltzes in singing Away in a Manger* HAPPY DECEMBER, CUPCAKES!!! BREAK OUT THE COOKIES AND HOT COCOA! I can’t have any this year but that doesn’t mean you can’t. Actually, I need to know what your traditional cookie recipes are, because I need more traditional christmas food to think of cooking.

But before I settle down fully into December, I’m gonna do a bit of reflection on November.

|| Highlights & Lowlights

Yo, November was full this year. Unfortunately, I did a real bad job to keeping tabs on it—I need to get back to journaling, y’all—like, badly.

// November started out really good. I had a great sleep routine—going to bed at 9 and waking up at 5 actually rested is a gamechanger. I’m trying to add another good routine of reading a little every day, since generally I only do it on Sundays or Wednesdays or other days where I am doing a lot of travelling.

// The beginning of November was packed with staying atop of my blogging and reviewing, in preparation for a new job starting in January (I’ll be creating French lessons for a program). I was also approached with a new side ‘hobby ‘job,’ although an unpaying one. I’ll be telling you guys more of that when it launches, but it involves books and talking. 😉 And finally, I’m still tutoring, which is fun. (It’s causing a lot of reflection on what possible jobs I could have! To be honest, I’m still uncertain of what careers to pursue in my single hood, but I’m waiting on the Lord to make things plain when I’m able to go forwards. <3)

// Then I went to the doctor. For follow-up on all my tests. No answers on my stomachaches, but we discovered I have a medical diagnosis. So far, I don’t know how bad it is, but I know that it can get very dangerous. A total change of diet was required—I’m on a plant, fish, and chicken diet with minimum salt, oil, fat, and red meat. The first few weeks were good because I was scared… now I’m just bored and mad and sticking to the diet is very hard. To be honest, the last week of November I fell off the bus and totally gave up on the diet. I’m working to get back on, to create small cheat meals, and to generally work around my brain and desires. ;P The biggest issue is a need to exercise. I take very frequent walks thanks to my grandparents (bless them) but other exercising is very hard for me to decide to do. But I mean to start over in December. I’ve had the diet down for a month—now for the lifestyle. Meanwhile, we’re doing more tests and looking to meet a nutritionist for a diet suggestion, and possibly I’ll be seeing a specialist later on.

// And to complete the medical scares, I had blood drawn and fainted for the first time in my life. It was horrid and I hope it never happens again. It was actually rather humorous. I am terrified of needles and tourniquets, and for some reason this time I was even more uptight than usual. The nurse was asking me about my job and I was so rattled I told her all sorts of nonsense because I couldn’t think clearly. I’m sure she thought I was an illiterate idiot and a real upstart for presuming to teach and copyedit. Once the procedure was done, I headed out of the office. Since I get so uptight during these needle-encounters, I always get hot and sweaty, so I didn’t think anything of it. Then I realized that I was dizzy and could hardly walk in a straight line. But I was determined to make it out and into the car, where I was sure I’d be fine (once I could sit down). I convinced myself I wasn’t fainting because in the books people always see black spots and I wasn’t.

I made it to the doorway, and then my vision went gray and I couldn’t see a thing. That’s when I freaked out and actually admitted to my mother no, I wasn’t okay. She and the nurse had been badgering me about it but I had truly thought I was! It was horrid—my ears rang so hard I couldn’t hear anything, and what I did hear my brain didn’t process—it was just gibberish. I was so hot and I couldn’t draw in my breath. And everything was black…

In the end, I fainted for a few moments—I don’t know how long—in the waiting room chair by the door. The nurse was right behind us and she + two other nurses got me into a relining chair, wheeled me into a private room, and got my cold cloths for my forehead and neck. We ended up staying in that room for nearly an hour because I was too weak and dizzy to get up. I was so tired and heavy, and once we finally got home I went to bed for the rest of the day.

The funny thing was that in the midst of my pain and terror, my very few vaguely conscious thoughts were about books and the ladies who fainted therein—so that’s how they felt—why did Anne ever want to faint??how did they faint so often?—well, now I know how to write it—and a confused recollection of Fred Gauss fainting in Life of Fred and needing his feet propped up so the blood flooded his brain. Scraps of the sentences the author used to talk about him—something like syncope is a brief cease of blood flow to the brain and just kept running through and through my brain till I was about crazy.

I guess I passed the rabid bookworm test.

// So, anyways, as I mentioned, the last two weeks of November were very hard mentally/emotionally, which was particularly annoying since I’d been doing very well for the last few weeks up to then. However, not to end on that sour note, here’s some highlights…

// I was delighted to win several contests (including a story story one, which I’ll mention later) and giveaways (such as a $250 Thriftbooks gift card). I swear that the practise of entering every giveaway you can is very useful.

// I caught a cold that lasted for nearly two weeks (really yucky) but my stomachaches decreased dramatically! I’ve also discovered I’ve formed an intolerance to too much oil and salt, which is very nice, but also to gluten, which isn’t as nice. (I miss my pasta and cheese, y’all!!) I also have a much smaller appetite, which is also a bonus. And I’ve been discovering what my real favourite foods and comfort foods are. The stuff I miss most is cheese, pasta + sauce, bread + butter, and red meat. I do miss sugar, but mostly when I am tired and need an energy boost, or when someone else is having sugar. ;P

// I’m excited to announce I finally did something I put off since I was 18. I’m terrified of all things bank-y—although I’m getting over being super stressed and terrified when it come to money matters, thankfully. ;P But anyways, I finally did a bank matter I was supposed to have done in the summer of 2017—which I ignored for four years, periodically tried to do in 2022, and finally did now… it felt good. And it was easy and barely even scary. Let’s call it a win 😉 I even can pay for stuff on my own without visible fear, and I’m about to learn how to transfer money, which is scary right now but which I am determined to do. (Am I the only one with that issue about bank/money stuff? It’s so odd.)

// I watched a lot of 1930s-1950s movies, which is super fun. It’s my favourite era, and I love how the movies are usually pretty clean. If y’all have any recs, please drop them in the comments! In the meantime, I’m working on reviewing the movies on my old Blogger book reviewing blog, which I’ve repurposed. I only have like 3 up so far, but hopefully more will come in December!

// I still haven’t returned to Instagram posting. I miss it, I truly do, but I just don’t feel like I fit in anymore. I have to much to say… instagram chokes me. And I don’t have my fun, easy captions I had before to pair with pretty pictures. Not that I have pretty pictures either. I seem to have quit taking pictures, which is sad. I don’t know what’s up with me, y’all. I’ve changed so much. ;P

// I didn’t do anything in honour of Remembrance Day this year, in spite of wanting to (I’d hoped to read some books about the War, like I did last year) but I did get a poppy, which my wonderful Grandpa gifted me. ❤ Unfortunately I forgot to wear it very much, but at least I can try again next year…

// Also, I had a lot of fun creating a spreadsheet of my stories and all their info. Okay, so they’re not all on here yet, but…

If you wanna go to all that effort of looking, you can see some of my secret WIPs on there…

// Frankly, this November was a month of much reflection. I consumed a lot of social media—secular social media—and got a good glimpse of what my peers think and see. I also spent a lot of time studying and pondering history. In short, I formed a lot of opinions/views on many topics, and gained a broader, deeper understanding as well as a passion/burden to share what I learned. (Did I mention I would love to be a history teacher??)

|| Reading

November, somehow, didn;t turn out much of a reading month—only 37 books. I supposed I was too busy working or watching movies. #whoops However, I was happy to finally finish my 12 Recommendations From 12 Friends list—including a book I have been trying to read a.l.l. y.e.a.r. and kept putting down because I was scared I’d hate it… I ended up loving it. I should listen to my friends more often. And another book I avoided all year because I was sure it was dry and boring and which I ended up tagging as a 10/10 favourite. Yeah, I really need to listen to my friends’ recs.

And while I’m on the subject…. I wrote a review for that first book I loved, and discovered mine was the third top review on Goodreads, right under famous authors Sarah Sundin and Melissa Tagg. My sweet friends came together and gave me their likes, and I ended up THE top reviewer at 41 likes! I was so happy. It’s a small thing but it’s a good way to get my name seen. ;P

Favourite Book of the Month: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

This is a phenomenal book, nearly a 10/10 heart read… might even make it up to there some day! At the time of writing this post I do not have you can read it here.

My Other 5-star Reads of the Month:
(r = reread)

Travers by Sara Dean
Shattered Reflection
by Madisyn Carlin
With Tears in My Heart by Gertrude Grace Sanborn r
Rilla of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery r
A Voice in the Night by Abbigail Raine B. (from the Seize the Night anthology)
Too Young for Christmas by Chelsea Burden (from the Seize the Night anthology)
Salt Cookies by Julia Cassidy (from the Seize the Night anthology)
Everly After by Abigail Kay Harris (from the Seize the Night anthology)
Unconditional by M.L. Milligan (from the Seize the Night anthology)
A Heart without Christmas by R.L. Peterson (from the Seize the Night anthology)
Despite the Odds by Kaytlin Phillips (from the Seize the Night anthology)
Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott r
Yours is the Night by Amanda Dykes
Between Us by Michaela Bush
The Masquerade by Olivia Lynn Jarmusch
The Refiner’s Fire by Rue Mortensen

Least Favourite Book of the Month: N/A

|| Writing Update

This November was the King’s Daughters’ Writing Camp! I reached my goal of 20,000 words written or edited. I finished a short story for a KDWC anthology and submitted it; started a new short story for the Seize the Love anthology; and finished a Christmas novella. As soon as I finish my Love story I will start a new one for the Springtime in Surrey anthology!

Speaking of the Christmas novella…

The first part of the story is published in this lovely book. The whole novella will be released as a free ebook on my blog on December 25!!

DM me on Goodreads or contact me through this blog’s contact form if you would like to beta-read it. It’s about 15,000 and the deadline for submitting your feedback is December 20.

*NOTE: Due to the vastness of the world, I will only be accepting applies by people I have known for a little while and whom I can trust. Thanks for understanding 🙂

|| Blog Posts

|| Songs, Verses, & Poems

This month I’m sharing a poem I read months ago at KDWC and was so struck by I asked the author for permission to repost it, which she graciously gave.

I watch, uncertain.
There is so much potential,
So many ways to succeed today,
So many ways to fail.
The possibilities paralyze me.

I am afraid.
I have a thousand expectations,
A thousand standards I must meet,
A thousand impossible goals,
But my faults limit me.

What should I do?
Do I try, risking failure?
Or do I put my dreams aside,
Be safe but stagnant?
Will I let fear rule me?

I must try.
I might fail; I might hurt.
But I might flourish; I might make a difference.
My complacency helps no one.
And if today my failure undoes me?
There is another sunrise tomorrow.

Madison Brown

You can find all of Madison’s links + follow her on her blog, website, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

I’ve been listening to a ton of Christmas music (thanks, Lilly) and discovered this new song…. and I got obsessed and listened to it on repeat. I refuse to tell how long.

if the embed didn’t work:

There hasn’t been any one particular verse in mind this month; rather, a teaching—peace on earth, goodwill to men; and Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me. 

|| What Did I Learn in November?

I have no deep soul-stirring realization in November. Only quiet rumination that settled things I’d been thinking of for a long time. Mostly, I learned how to be more of an adult, and more confident, and that discipline is so worth it. It feels like a month that didn’t live up at all to its potential, but I suppose it’s one of the ‘all things’ that turn to my good. ❤

|| November Achievements

Back to Bible reading daily + praying + focussing on the Lord and making him ‘a companion, a beloved, a familiar.’

I’m ashamed to admit I barely read my Bible this month. Probably why it was so bad. I did do a much better job of praying than usual though.

✔︎ Stick to the diet. We’ll add exercise once that is under control. Also, sleep well and drink well.

The first two weeks were great; the last two were rocky. I’m counting it a win anyways.

Read a lot.

Not as much as I should have.

Practise daily for the Christmas service.

No, but it isn’t my fault. My companions didn’t so I couldn’t XD

Take daily pictures.

I am so bad at that. I really want to fix it…

And the bonus: read AMAP, and write daily.

How did I not see the reading goal above?? Anyways, the writing daily didnt happen, but I did write quite a bit, so I’m happy with it.

|| December Goals

  1. Read Christmas books + watch Christmas movies, BUT REVIEW THEM ALL.
  2. Get back to Bible, sleep, exercise, and diet. Also scheduling.
  3. Finish my Love story and start the Springtime one.
  4. Do the prep for my January job.

How was your month, cupcakes?

P.S. Those of you who haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, go do so NOW because it’s coming out this week and it will have 5 possible freebies… *eyebrow wiggle* Here’s the link:

Published by Katja H. Labonté

Hi! I’m Katja :) I’m a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. I am a bilingual French-Canadian and have about a dozen topics I'm excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why I write). I spend my days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

10 thoughts on “November 2022 Wrap-Up

  1. Hi Katja! I love this post and getting to see your November recap. I’m sorry you fainted. Though it is nice to know I’m not the only one who is afraid of needles and faints. XD
    Congratulations on publishing a story! That is so exciting!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love these posts! Also, if you’re looking for a clean TV show – Leave It to Beaver from the ’60’s and the Andy Griffith Show are both superb! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, girl! I am happy to hear it because I sometimes feel like they must be so boring and stuff and wonder why I keep doing them. But now I know they’re somewhat interesting 😉

      Thank you! I love Andy Griffith but I never watched Leave it to Beaver—I’ll check into it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah, my family and I caught the flu/cold thing too (and I’m so sorry to hear you fainted! I don’t like giant needles either, though ironically I use some for the crafts I do XD.)

    And congrats on winning a giveaway! (I’ll have to take your advice and enter as many as I come across lol.) Be praying for you, girl! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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