Share the Love Tag

So, February is the month of love, right?? Ok, so I’m being cliché, but still 😆 I got this tag from Jenna Terese once upon a time and have been saving it for years a while, so let’s get started!

But first, the rules…

  1. Link back to the creator of this tag, Ash Ronnel.
  2. Include the tag banner in your post!
  3. Answer the questions by recognizing as many bloggers as you can for each. Don’t recognize the same blogger twice, the goal is to spread as much love as you can!
  4. Make sure to provide the link to every blog you mention.
  5. Tag all the bloggers you mentioned in your answers.

And now for the questions! But first, disclaimer.

A) Imma think of a ton of people I should add to this list later, so I apologize if I forgot you. Doesn’t mean I don’t like your blog. 😛

B) Yes, I repeat people—get over it. Also, I kinda scrambled up my recs, so maybe some could fit better under a different category, but I’m not breaking my head over it. I’m just shouting out people and explaining why I’m shouting them out.

C) Use your own discretion in following people, and I don’t agree with everything everyone here says.

1. The first bloggers you found:

Victoria Minks was the first to introduce me to blogs when I was about 13. Although her old blogs are now deleted, she runs an awesome writers’ website, The Fearless Type. Through her, I met Amanda Tero @ With a Joyful Noise, and Hailey Rose @ Lakeside Publications, and that’s where it all started!

2. Bloggers who have perfect timing with their posts.

Well, there’s been a number of people who posted exactly what I needed when I needed it. Amanda comes to mind first, because when I first asked my mother to follow her blog, my mother was a little reluctant. But the very first post of hers that I read was Of Jellies & Timely Texts (or A Day in the Life of Me) and when I read it to my mother, we both knew it was exactly what I needed to hear.

However, if I was overthinking this question and the idea is bloggers who post on the right days, well, I can’t answer. I don’t like blogs that post every day of the week (too. much. inbox. spam.) but other than that I don’t pay much attention to the days people post on. Although this year I hope to read blogs more. #recurringresolution #butiamdoingsomebetter

3. Bloggers with beautiful blog design.

Jenna has such a clean, crisp blog look! I am always in awe. I also really like Christine Smith Author’s blog look.

Other than that, I can’t think of any specific examples. But I love the pretty, simple, whimsy look. My own blog Old-Fashioned Film Love is a good example, and the old version of LBFJ ( is basically exactly what I love blogs to look like. 😝 And Emma’s Bookish Daughters of the King, too, is so pretty!

Oh! I also like Kellyn’s Lilacs & Reveries look and Grace’s Of Blades & Thorns, too. And Rhys-Marie’s A Handful of Quietness.

4. Bloggers who inspire and encourage you.

Kellyn @ Lilacs & Reveries – Kellyn’s posts always make me think… especially outside the box. She’s such an inspiring person in general (I wanna be a Kellyn when I grow up), so motivating and encouraging and sweet, but also no-nonsensy, and so balanced and honestly pursing truth.

Sarah @ The Destiny of One – She was a big inspiration & encouragement when I was a teenager.

Ryana Lynn @ Life of Heritage – Ry has the best book updates ever and always inspires me to write and read and do my own blog posts.

Kate @ Once Upon an Ordinary – Her blog is so sweet and gentle and whimsy! I love her little thoughts about random and various things, and the reading or writing tips she shares.

5. Bloggers who make you laugh.

Rylie @ Nerd of the Arts – I just discovered Rylie during FFF and I LOVE HER BLOG Y’ALL! She’s so like me, and she’s absolutely hilarious, and I adore her ranting and fangirling and rambling and everything else. I’ve got so many of her posts bookmarked to look at. 😜

Lindsey @ Books for Christian Girls – She’s more of a YouTuber than blogger, but her reviewing system is SO inspiring to me, and she’s so beautiful and hilarious and I adore her videos.

Rose @ Rewrites With a Faerie Pen – Yeah, she cracks me up over and over too. 😛

6. Bloggers whose posts you can relate to all the time.

Chelsea @ Light in the Tunnel – Chelsea has the most beautiful and powerful posts. 💕

Courtenay @ SAW Publishing – Courtenay is a kindred spirit too, and she writes the best articles ever. #hurrayforhomeschooling

Brianna @ Singing in the Rain – Brianna’s posts are poignant and powerful and so relatable sometimes… or super adorable… 💖

Akira @ With Joyful Praise – Akira doesn’t post often, but they’re always a gem. ❤︎

7. Bloggers who post really helpful and/or beautiful content.

Abigayle @ The Left-Handed Typist – Abi doesn’t really blog anymore (she’s on Instagram now) but I LOVED her helpful posts!

Bethany @ Vintage Volumes – I love Bethany’s blog. Her posts are funny, pretty, or fangirly, and her pictures are TO DIE FOR. 😍

E.G. Bella @ Bella’s Blog – I’m not sure if this is the true definition of helpful, but I love Bella’s taste in tags and constantly steal them. 😜 And while I love long, rambly, funny blog posts, I also appreciate how short and to the point hers are. So much quicker to read, haha. I also adore her short stories!

Jana @ Reviews From the Stacks – I love, love, love Jana’s constant book lists. I’ve added to my TBR as steadily as she decreases hers. And she creates or participates in so many cool reading/bookish challenges and tags!

Carol @ Professor Carol – This woman is so wise and thoughtful, and she writes the funniest, deepest articles on the most unusual but best topics ever.

8. Bloggers who are really consistent and involved in the community.

Madisyn @ Madi’s Musings – Madi’s a gem and she’s always posting and supporting someone!

Lillian @ The Introspective Introvert – Lillian’s such a sweetheart! And her blog is just darling.

Kaytlin, Marissa, & Jaiden @ Sisters Three – Check out their books, they’re amazing! And they’re always coming up with new tags, challenges, projects, etc!

Rebekah @ Read Another Page – Rebekah’s been posting for years and years (10?) and she still has good things to say. She also hosts reading challenges and parties and plenty of other great stuff.

Pearl @ Pearl Christine – Pearl has the most cool and helpful tips + tricks & bucket lists, and she always shares awesome content by other people.

Well, there we go. I know I forgot people but that’s the best I can do right now.

Tagging all the bloggers I mentioned… feel free to share love this February, or not. 😏

Who are YOUR favourite bloggers?

Published by Katja H. Labonté

Hi! I’m Katja :) I’m a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. I am a bilingual French-Canadian and have about a dozen topics I'm excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why I write). I spend my days enjoying little things, growing in faith, learning life, and loving people. Welcome to my corner of the internet!

22 thoughts on “Share the Love Tag

  1. I’m so honored to be included here! I recognize so many of the blogs you mention and each time I found myself nodding along in agreement. There is a wonderful community here, as this tag makes clear.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww, this is such a sweet post! What an awesome list of bloggers! I read many of their blogs frequently but will need to go check out the ones I don’t recognize!

    And thank you so much for the tag! I’m so glad you steal the blog tags that I also steal, haha 😛 And I’m so happy you enjoy my posts. <33

    Liked by 1 person

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